Monday, 13 February 2012

Firstly: I am no expert!

This blog is mainly for all the newbies at iOS who get frustrated at all the so called 'help' that they find online. You know, the terse one line replies or the "you simply do this..." and leave you still scratching your head.

I started this blog because one night (tonight) I was searching for the answer to a seemingly simple problem. Aren't they always the case, except you can't find a simple answer, or even one that helps you?

Tonight's 'little' question ended up having the simplest of answers, but too many "technical" people out there can't seem to explain simply what I need to learn. So I thought, share what I learn when I learn it, and pass it on. (I did used to be a teacher I suppose!)

But know this, I really am no expert! I'm probably just like you, a relative newbie to all this. If you are further on than me, or know a better way, then please: share and help each other.

In the mean time, happy iOS programming!

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